Software de IA clasifica radiografías de tórax para detectar neumotórax y reducir tiempo de diagnóstico

Por el equipo editorial de MedImaging en español
Actualizado el 12 Apr 2022

La capacidad de identificar rápidamente el neumotórax es imperativa, ya que puede empeorar rápidamente y provocar insuficiencia respiratoria o cardíaca. Sin embargo, es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo debido a los extensos volúmenes de imágenes que los radiólogos tienen que examinar continuamente. Ahora, un nuevo algoritmo de neumotórax de IA aborda este desafío analizando radiografías, marcando y notificando a los médicos sobre los hallazgos sospechosos.

Aidoc (Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel) has received FDA 510(k) clearance for its triage and notification of pneumothorax on X-ray exams. The company’s other seven FDA-cleared solutions for flagging and communicating suspected pathologies in CT exams have now expanded to the high volume X-ray modality. Aidoc’s newly FDA-cleared solution runs on all X-ray machines, including portable ones, and is designed to analyze X-ray images. It automatically flags positive cases of pneumothorax, facilitating physicians to read X-rays in a timely manner.

Imagen: Aidoc recibió la autorización 510(k) de la FDA para su clasificación y notificación de neumotórax en exámenes de rayos X (Fotografía cortesía de Aidoc)

Aidoc’s AI-driven solutions analyze medical images directly after the patient is scanned, suggesting prioritization of time-sensitive pathologies, as well as notifying and activating multidisciplinary teams to reduce turnaround time, shorten length of stay, and improve overall patient outcomes. Aidoc’s AI platform processes high volumes of scans and images without disrupting the physician’s workflow. The company’s existing partners who add the pneumothorax solution to their portfolio will not require any additional integration, infrastructure, or maintenance efforts.

“We’re very excited about this important milestone,” said Elad Walach, CEO of Aidoc. “This FDA clearance further validates the breadth of our AI platform, going beyond specific AI algorithms to act as a healthcare AI hub for the enterprise’s cross-specialty needs. This includes ER, ICU, outpatient centers, inpatient admissions, and the coordination of care and communication among providers. By bringing radiologists and proceduralists to the same AI platform, we enable enhanced collaboration across departments and systems to deliver patients with the right treatment at the right time.”

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